I mean I really am into this guy *_*
*обильный nosebleed*
Его майспейсФанатский майспейсинфоMeasurements:
He's with:
Place of Origin: Eisenach, Germany; now Berlin
Ethnic Origin: German (some old roots to France)
Birthsign: Leo
How discovered: In a Japanese restaurant in Berlin.
Favorite things: Books, my snowboard, my dog.
Favorite Music/ Band: Electronic music, but also good old guitar music.
Hobbies: Snowboarding, Art
Favorite foods: Italian food, traditional Thuringian food (Thüringer Klote).
5 things you can't live without: My family, friends, my cell phone, internet and my iPod.
Movie you want to see next: Borat and Babel
Place you'd love to visit: New Zealand
И вот когда немецкий впервые по-настоящему пригодился:
Leben zwischen Laufsteg und Provinz
Nachwuchsmodel: der Eisenacher Paul Boche
Paul Boche stammt aus Eisenach und pendelt zwischen zwei Welten - zwischen der thüringischen Provinz und den Modemetropolen der Welt: Mailand, New York und Paris. Das international gefragte Model wurde während eines Praktikums in Berlin von einer Agentur entdeckt und ist seither für die Großen der Branche unterwegs. Eine Nachwuchsregisseurin aus Ostthüringen hat jetzt einen Dokumentarfilm über Boche gemacht.
"Generation Model"
In dem Dokumentarfilm "Generation Model" erzählt die Filmemacherin Anne-Kristin Jahn vom Leben des jungen Eisenachers, den sie auf einer Zugfahrt kennen gelernt hat. Weil er sein Abitur schaffen und gleichzeitig auf die Chance zur großen Modelkarriere nicht verzichten möchte, nimmt er das Leben zwischen zwei Welten auf sich. Anne-Kristin Jahn sagt über ihren Film: "Mich hat interessiert, in was für eine Welt Paul aufbricht, im Unterschied zur Generation seiner Eltern." Das Filmteam habe die Dreharbeiten zu einem "wirklichen Geschenk" gemacht.
"Ein halbes Jahr von einer Kamera verfolgt zu werden, kann ganz schoen anstrengend sein."
Paul Boche.
Он старше меня на год, надо же..
interview 4 Seven Sticks, 2006, единственное, что я нашла покаHe's the first December Seven Sticks! Originally from Eisenach, Berliner Paul Boche (DNA) walked for SS06 Prada and Miu Miu, scored a Sleek Magazine cover, and secured a January 2006 L'Uomo Vogue editorial shot by Max Vadukul. Armed with blonde hair, blue eyes, and bone structure that rivals the Pythagorean theorem's geometrical precision, Paul is set for grander things.
Where's your favorite hang out spot in New York?
I really like all places... SoHo and [the bar] Cain.
In modeling, what do you think is your best experience so far?
To see all the big cities, especially NY.
For a L'Uomo Vogue editorial, you worked with models Ian Jones (IMG) and Anna Kuznetsova повезло же человеку (IMG), and world-renowned photographer Max Vadukul. How were they?
First I have to say Ian Jones became a good friend. We met in Europe and had a good time (Hugo Boss
. I did not really remember the girl. I think she was quiet and Max was a really cool photographer who did like to listen to cool music during shootings, especially some cool British bands.
Besides Eisenach, where do you feel at home the most of all the places you've traveled to?
It's definitely Berlin and Paris.
What is your passion in life?
It's hard to say I mean I'm really young (19), but first of all, stay true, enjoy life.
What do you think is the world's biggest problem today?
The politicians, like the Bush government who think they rule the world. But for real they give us the problems. Humans die in Africa and Iraq, and Western people are sad about the "brave" soldiers...
What is your favorite thing to do during the winter?