What you take won't kill you, be careful what you're giving ©
Мне нравится типаж доброго веселого дурачка. Перси, Георг IV, да тот же Берти. Пообщаться бы с таким парнем в реале, интересно, не заснула бы я от скуки? Я даже не знаю, как это сказать по-русски, they are lovable bufoons, approachable and light-hearted, what is there not to cherish? I'm so weiry of being self-concsious, I need some comical relief, not only to laugh with, but also just to be myself and have fun, talk about everything there is to talk about and enjoy this new outlook, that type of guys always has something surprising to tell you.
And oh, they're not embarassed to dance.
Jolly good fellas they are.

@темы: Эльфийские пряники